Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Aborting Abortion

The pro-life position derives its logic from the knowledge that absolute immutable truth exists, while the logic of pro-choice is founded on unsustainable relativism. The two sides are not even speaking the same language. I cannot intellectually prove to a skeptic that abortion is murder, with eternal consequences, because moral reasoning is limited to the scope of one's spiritual revelation. Nevertheless, I must try.

Abortion intuitively and profoundly transcends the heartless perception of science. How else can you explain the emotional trauma that abortion wreaks in mothers? “Pro-choice” flagrantly contradicts every fiber of maternal instincts. Even wild beasts naturally sacrifice their own lives to protect their young. The inevitable fallout of remorse and shame following an abortion is one of the industry's dirty secrets. Nevertheless, I assure you that if you've participated in an abortion, forgiveness and restoration are available through Jesus Christ.

It's scientifically irrefutable that the baby in the womb is not the Mother's body. Therefore, the euphemistic term “pro-choice” is invalid. The unique human in the womb, and the mother, are genetically diverse and antagonistic    Every unborn child expresses antigens incompatible with the mother, and yet miraculously it's not rejected by the maternal immune system! This blatantly contradicts the absurdity of evolution. How could evolution anticipate and resolve such a reproduction incongruity? Human reproduction is a pantheon of similar miracles that all point to God.

It's easy to understand the passionate pro-life stance, if you realize that murder is the issue. But how do you explain such aggressive resistance by the pro-abortion mentality? "The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” There's something occult and diabolical here. The pro-abortion camp refuses, with uncanny determination, to admit that abortion is murder because that would imply personal accountability, and jeopardize their libertarian illusion.

Those hypothetical extreme cases used to justify abortion laws, are simply an indictment of man's inability to solve complex moral dilemmas without God. To justify the taking of innocent life because of rape, incest or birth defects, requires the same diabolical self-deification that motivated Nazism. It's called eugenics. The combined wisdom of humanity is incapable of resolving these ethical dilemmas that haunt our degenerating culture. You cannot remedy one evil by applying a greater evil – infanticide!

The ultimate evil is the shedding of innocent blood, which the Bible warns, brings a curse upon a nation.(1) What is more innocent than an unborn child? Every year, Americans slaughter innocent children by the millions. This is a true Holocaust, making ISIS and MS13 look like wimps. It's been said that the most dangerous place for an American to be is in the womb.

Abortion is not some sanitized scientific dogma, it's unmitigated murder, and therefore, it's a spiritual matter. This is an epic battle between good and evil. It is, like all wars, inescapably religious. Just because abortion is obfuscated with psychobabble, doesn't negate the fact that it's actually satanic child sacrifice. “For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear."(2)   There are only two kinds of people in the earth: Those who can hear Jesus Christ and those who refuse.

You cannot contemplate abortion without coming face to face with God. You may refuse or be unable to recognize Him, but I guarantee He's speaking. If you are brutally honest, you will hear Him in your conscience. Think about it. If I were actively opposing God, I'd sure want to know. It's a sobering fact that the first person to recognize Jesus was an unborn child! (3)

Copyright 2015 by Hayden Humphrey

1. Psalm 106:38-40
2. Mark 4:22-23
3. Luke 1:41