Jesus stands outside the hearts of believers, pleading with great anguish and longing: “If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” This is an astounding offer for intimate fellowship with our Creator! However, many shy away because of shame, self rejection, fear or pride, not realizing that His presence is the solution to all problems. But, If we fail to respond to His overtures and exclude Him from our heart we risk hearing, “I never knew you, depart from me.” Every believer in Christ wants to escape hell, but many tragically ignore the intimacy required to secure their salvation.
The Western church tells you to repeat a prayer and invite Jesus into your heart and you will be saved. That's not scriptural. Without radical repentance and a life of unbiased love that only comes from walking with God, your soul is in great jeopardy. The Bible says true son-ship requires continual communion with the Holy Spirit. (Rom 8:14)
God's presence is not some principle or force explained by quantum physics to be exploited. An authentic heart to heart relationship with Him is the true physics of reality. He is a Person with exquisite emotions and deep longings for us individually. We were created to function in concert with the indwelling Holy Spirit, and love is the incentive. Anything else is perverse, and emotionally and intellectually empty.
All human relationships (God included) are based on communication, and are defined by their level of intimacy and truth. “And without doubt the lesser person is blessed by the greater.” (Heb 7:7) This basic relational truth is the key to life. Drawing near to Jesus Christ (communication) automatically imparts the blessings of God. If your interaction with God is superficial and hypocritical, you are not in a relationship that can sustain and empower you.
Our created purpose as a dwelling place for God's presence is called a mystery, and marriage, the epitome of human relations best typifies it. (Eph 5:32) The plan is this: We come to God as a little child; then mature into sons and daughters, which evolves into friendship, and finally we are captivated by His love which consummates in the joy and intimacy of a bride. And like natural marriage it takes deliberate effort and self denial on our part to nurture the union.
Our fallen bodies came from the earth, but our human spirits were imparted directly from God, (Gen 2:7) and we crave to be rejoined to Him. “Deep calls unto to deep.” Either we respond and reunite with God (re-birth), or we disregard that deep intuition and suffer eternal separation. This re-union with God is not some static emotionless state. It's an intentional, passionate and persistent relationship. Jesus called it “abiding” and warned that refusal to abide in Him will lead to Hell. (Jn 15:6) Not because Jesus is offended at your indifference, but because an ongoing relationship with Him is the only way to secure your salvation.
But, if this progressive relationship with Jesus is so vital, how could the thief on the cross gain immediate entrance into heaven? It was possible because abiding with Christ in this life does not earn your salvation. It does, however, keep you from losing your salvation as you traverse this world of gross darkness and warfare. This may offend you, but the assurance of eternal security is not found in a doctrine. It's only found in the presence of the Holy Spirit. If you cease to abide in Him, that assurance evaporates. (Rom 11:22; Mt 7:21)
So, how do I know if I am actually abiding in Christ? How do I discern if my “religious” experience is God, my emotions or demonic? There is much confusion over this issue. One camp totally shuns emotionalism retreating into a void where personal revelation is diabolical and scripture is relegated to a lifeless icon. It is often quoted with great pomp that God has magnified His word above all else. (Ps 138:2) That is a great truth, but He hasn't elevated His word or name above His presence. His word and name represent Him, but they are not Him. The pharisees made an idol of God's word and therefore failed to recognize the Living Word as He stood in their very midst. No where are we told to worship the Bible. “For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.” (1 Cor 4:20) It's all about His presence.
Deception should definitely be taken seriously, but if you fear deception you have neutralized the faith required to discern truth. The idea that pure objectivity is required for Bible interpretation is naive and idealistic. You can't divorce your thoughts from your emotions. The Bible will confound your “objectivity” at every turn. Scripture is not for private interpretation, but there is an interpretation nevertheless, and it bears witness with your spirit. What you sense in the Spirit must agree with the Bible, and what you read in the Bible must agree with the Holy Spirit in you, which in turn impacts your feelings.
It is interesting that the only direct definition of the kingdom of God is “righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.” (Rom 14:17) Notice, two-thirds of the kingdom of God is emotions! Peace and joy are feelings that are found only in the presence of the Holy Spirit. God's peace and joy are undeniably supernatural experiences that vanquish all negative emotions. Without joy you have no strength, and without peace you have no assurance. If you have righteousness, peace and joy nothing in this world can overcome you.
The emotion of God's joy is so powerful that literally “The joy of the Lord is your strength,” and is so transcendent that it's “unspeakable and full of glory.” It is so profound that Jesus endured the cross because of imminent supernatural joy. “In His presence is fullness of joy.” How vastly we undervalue the blessing and power of joy.
“My peace I give to you; not as the world gives.” The emotion of God's peace is the key to discerning His voice and avoiding deception. "God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:7) If our thoughts and emotions harmonize with scripture, they will be affirmed by supernatural peace. “The wisdom that is from above is. . . peaceable.” The hallmark of God's presence is peace, but the legacy of this world is its abysmal absence. Thankfully, “He himself is our peace.” (Eph 2:14)
Everything we need in life is found in God's presence. (2 pet 1:3) That is why Jesus made the astounding statement that “Without me you can do nothing.” Nothing of eternal value is possible apart from Him. “With men impossible, but not in the presence of God, for all things are possible in the presence of God.” (Mk 10:27 Wuest) Even the basic virtues of “faith and love . . . are in Christ Jesus.” (1 Tim 1:14) Faith and love are not found in carnal flesh, “For in the flesh dwells no good thing.” They are a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore according to the Bible, life, light, righteousness, wisdom, hope, healing, deliverance, counsel and intercession are found only in the presence of God.
But why is there such little manifestation of these qualities in our lives? If you are born-again God's presence is inside you, but it is obstructed by your flesh which is self-centered and cannot believe. Mercifully, God orchestrates a process within us to release the Holy Spirit. It is called brokenness. The only true platform for communion with God is “a broken and a contrite heart,” because any other heart is pretense. (Ps 51:17) Brokenness destroys the wall of pride that resists God. “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,” and His nearness transforms you.
The narrow path to God's presence is the cross. Not Jesus' cross, your cross. Jesus' cross gave us access to God, that's why He called himself “the Door.” But taking up your cross daily is how you enter through that door. Denying yourself and following Him releases His power into your soul. Drawing near to God requires drawing away from spiritual pollutants, and purifying your heart. To know the power of His resurrection, we must become “conformed to his death.” (Phil 3:10) The cross is humiliating, but only by humility can we experience the enabling power (grace) of God's presence. (Jas 4:6; 5:5)
Entering into God's presence requires deliberate alignment with the atmosphere of heaven through thanksgiving, praise and worship, regardless of your circumstances. This is not a cultural or personal preference. This is normal new testament Christianity. (Eph 5:19) If we do not intentionally and habitually submit our thoughts to the Holy Spirit, offering the sacrifice of praise and communication, (Heb 13:15-16) we will forfeit our destiny.
If you honestly seek God you will encounter the literal presence of Jesus Christ, and you will find faith, rest, joy, peace and grace to walk in righteousness. Because of the pervasive darkness and death of planet earth, it takes perseverance and endurance to apprehend God, but nothing this world offers even remotely compares!
Copyright 2009 by Hayden Humphrey