Saturday, November 21, 2015

Can We Really Trust The Bible?

It's a strange phenomenon that all Christians seem to naively accept the Bible as God's infallible word. Is this brain washing or is it supernatural? Many believers try to rationally convince themselves of the Bible's veracity. I don't know about you, but in spite of the impressive data, I could never entrust my soul to mere human intellectual conclusions.


However, absolute Truth can be known with unassailable assurance, not because you have analyzed it, but because you have become mystically one with it. He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit.”(1) If you haven't met the Author, the Bible will frustrate you, but when He dwells in you, scripture is illuminated and affirmed with wondrous certainty. Our primary goal is not knowing the book of the Lord, but knowing the Lord of the book.(2)

The issue here is not really the Bible, it's about Jesus Christ. He is called “The Living Word,”(3) and the Bible personifies Him. Jesus exposed a paramount deception regarding Bible interpretation when he confronted the religious bureaucrats: You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. ...yet you refuse to come to me to have life. "(4) Eternal life is not found in a book, that's why we don't worship the Bible.

The language of the human spirit is image and symbolism. Written words are merely symbols. There's no life in the ink, or even in a concept, just inert images of reality. If a symbol was perfect it would literally be truth, not just an impotent shadow. Knowing and believing the truth behind words is what gives words power.

Biblical manuscripts (translated symbols) may be imperfect, yet the truth behind them is pure and unadulterated. Human language is a marred and fragmentary expression of fallen man, but if it's inspired by the Holy Spirit, it can be understood via the Holy Spirit. Jesus said Everyone that is of the truth hears my voice.”(5) That's the key to the Bible!
When Peter realized that Jesus was God incarnate, Jesus said “Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.”(6) Jesus made it clear that even our most basic insights into His Word depend upon spiritual revelation, i.e. experience. “Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God,”(7) and “No one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit,”(8) unless you're a parrot.

The Bible is not a legal document, theology text or procedure manual. It's an anthology of personal encounters with God, and it makes no sense unless you've had your own Divine encounter. God said “He has placed His word above His name,”(9) but not above His presence! When the Bible, together with our re-born spirit and our brain, becomes a three-fold cord, then all life makes delightful sense.

Ever since the serpent said to Eve, “Did God really say?”(10) the Word of God has been perverted and attacked. The Bible is the most feared and hated book in the world, because it exposes and ultimately eradicates all evil. As the epic battle between light and darkness grows exponentially, everything will be reduced to Jesus Christ and the Bible versus all else.

This battle is the most serious thing in your life. Your earthly journey is merely a fleeting vapor. Don't live in presumption. Read the Bible, it's your most valuable earthly asset. The Living Word is knocking at your door. Enlightenment, assurance, peace, joy, hope, eternal purpose and mind-blowing love await you! 

        1.  1 Corinthians 6:17
        2.  2 Timothy 1:12
        3.  John 1:1
        4.  John 5:39-40
        5.  John 18:37 KJV
        6.  Matthew 16:16-17
        7.  John 3:3
        8.  1 Corinthians 12:3
        9.  Psalm 138:2 KJV
       10. Genesis 3:1 

Copyright 2015 By: Hayden Humphrey

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