Monday, February 12, 2018

Growing Old

Wow! What happened?? In the blink of an eye I've become a scruffy antique! But that's good! There's an eternal purpose concealed in the enigma of time. In 1963 I was a clueless high school senior. Now at 72 I'm a revived, school of hard knocks senior.

In my late 20's I had a life altering encounter with Jesus. It was as if I'd been dreaming all my life and suddenly I was wide awake! My life was no longer meaningless and absurd. I didn't know I was dreaming until I woke up to unimaginable love, hope and saving grace. The truth of that experience has been confirmed innumerable times over the years.

This rant is not gloomy negativity. It's about the goodness of God that leads to repentance! But, until you've truly resolved the specter of death, your fake optimism will backfire.  If we fail to see our dire need for a Savior we will continue in wishful thinking.

Life on earth is merely a fleeting vapor. Time is a brief cosmic aberration, intended to humble us so we'll wake up to reality and choose eternal life. “This sore travail has God given to the sons of men, to humble them thereby.”(1) Life is a process of humiliation designed to awaken us. Growing old is actually God's mercy, intended to expose our deceptive thinking. This earthly journey is a grace period - our last chance to be delivered from self-deification.

The tragedies of life will either break and humble you, or you will proudly refuse to admit your spiritual bankruptcy, and self-delusion will consume you. We are all in a time warped metamorphosis, and our choices in this dark cocoon seal our eternal destiny. Old age is the cleaving of our cocoon. Are you becoming a butterfly or a dead larvae?

Grace and Truth come only by humility. If you are brutally honest, you will hear God in your conscience, and realize that apart from Him, all is vanity and hopeless vexation. But in Him is unfathomable peace, joy and love!

Knowledge of absolute immutable Truth is available to anyone who honestly seeks God. But, brokenness is required. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart.”(2)   How desperate are you to know Him? Until you're painfully aware of your need for God's mercy, the Truth will not penetrate your heart. Old age is God's last call!

There's only one source of eternal life. “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” (3) Without the Spirit of Christ, you are literally “The Walking Dead.”

It's easy for prisoners on death row to seek God. But, we are all on death row! Seek Him with desperation, and you will know with unmitigated assurance that Jesus doesn't merely represent the way, the truth and life, but He literally IS the only Way, Truth and Life. (4)

Every person on the planet intuitively recognizes Christ because our spirits originated in heaven, (5) yet our egotistical, wounded, angry, indoctrinated hearts contradict and displace the voice of God. But, when we become vulnerable enough to receive the Holy Spirit, “The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” (6) Such invincible knowing eclipses mind and emotions.

Jesus, “The Light of the World,” was sent to a planet defined as the “region and shadow of death.”(7)   He revealed that “reality” as advertised on earth, is in fact a dark devolving illusion. The Bible calls it “sin.”

Quantum physics envisions a shocking probability. The universe may be nothing more than a hologram or a symbolic manifestation of energy. Physicists are convinced that reality differs dramatically from its appearance. This resonates with Jesus' message. He came to earth to reveal ultimate reality called “The Kingdom of God.” According to scripture, there is a kingdom of light and a kingdom of darkness. All else is incomplete and transitory, but heaven and hell are eternal. I can deny it, distort it or misconceive it, but I cannot create an alternative reality. I can only choose life or death.

If I demand that God appease the thoughts of my wounded soul before I yield to Him, then I have placed myself in the absurd and dangerous position of judging God. There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” (8)

Truly the hearts of the sons of men are full of evil; and madness is in their hearts while they live.”(9) “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can fathom it?”(10) This is the state of humanity. It is not subject to man's opinions or noble acts, and failure to perceive it will forever seal your destiny as a legal slave of Satan. 
The bottom line is this: All human existence will be reduced to the unalterable eternal realities of heaven or hell. There are only two options: the law of the spirit of life in Christ,” or the law of sin and death.” (11) Which law will you embrace? The choice is entirely yours. Indecision is a choice.

You will only believe what you are willing to accept. Accept nothing less than absolute assurance. When you “see” Him there will be no question.

If you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (12) "So I (Jesus) say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (13) 
And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (14)

    1. Ecclesiastes 1:13
    2. Psalms 51:17
    3. 1 John 5:12
    4. John 14:6
    5. Genesis 2:7
    6. Romans 8:16
    7. Matthew 4:16
    8. Prov 14:12
    9. Ecclesiastes 9:3 
    10. Jeremiah 17:9
    11. Romans 8:2 
    12. Deuteronomy 4:29
    13. Luke 11:9 
    14. John 17:3

      Copyright 2018 By: Hayden Humphrey